Online health courses
Online courses for mental and physical health made for & by people with disabilities and chronic conditions
Previous head of product in EdTech, scaled the department 6x in 3 years.
Young Innovator Award Winner 22/23 MSci in brain, behaviour & cognition and chemistry.
Qualified meditation teacher status.
10 years experience in web development.
Previously responsible for product development that brought in over £1 million in revenue in 1 year.
Senior lecturer in media and communications.
19 years experience in marketing, language and branding research.
Active users
60All time
Net revenue
£1,000All time
Over the next 18 months, we want to do the following: – Pilot in the NHS and local councils, launch 6 full courses, switch to subscription model, build app to complement website.
£50,000 (Innovate UK grants and startup loan)